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Best Practice Workplace Negotiations

 Best Practice Workplace Negotiations

Author: Richard A. Luecke
Credit: 1.0 CEUs
Testing Format: multiple choice
Your Price: $159.00
ISBN: 9780761214793
Format: Book


Course Overview

The ability to negotiate is an important element of success for every leader, manager, supervisor, project manager, and employee as they deal with customers, suppliers, and one another. Negotiation is often the key to settling disputes, resolving conflict, allocating scarce resources, and making tough decisions. And in today’s workplace, where employee empowerment and team-based work are increasingly important, there are many more occasions in which informal negotiations are necessary in order to get things done.

Best Practice Workplace Negotiations offers a systematic approach to developing negotiating skills. It serves as an introduction to current best practices in negotiation that can be applied across a broad range of business situations. This up-to-the-minute course covers win-win vs. win-lose negotiations; the BATNA concept (best alternative to a negotiated agreement—what every negotiator should have in his mind before entering into any negotiation); walk-away price, or reserve point; negotiation as a logical set of process steps—preparation, initial moves, application of tactics, and post-deal evaluation; and the power of persuasive communication in negotiations.

Throughout the course, assessments, exercises, Think About It sections, and negotiating tips offer students opportunities for practice, feedback, and practical application.

Course Objective: Develop skills to influence the outcome of negotiations using pre-negotiation planning and conversational techniques.

Selected Learning Objectives

• Sway an opponent with persuasion techniques

• Identify an opponent’s real but often hidden needs

• Use tools like “alternatives” and timing tactics to strengthen your case

• Deal with power imbalances before and during a negotiation

• Communicate a position clearly and precisely

• Plan a realistic course of action based on sound preparation and an objective appraisal of resources